
Pay-as. Always rely on worst-case scenario of execution of your order. All that can be spoiled, they will spoil. That it is impossible – too spoiled. Never pay advertisers to come. To them it does not sing. Costs. There are many. Do not these so others. And always bring down the price and check prices….

Advertising-Drafting Ad

Consider item 1 of the formula: The title attracts attention. The headline should attract the attention of the target audience (like a red rag to a bull), is achieved by using "power words" such as: Stop, Attention, Money, Ay, help, Comrades, Citizens, Fire, Hey, Want Want, etc. These words should carry a powerful emotional charge…

New Promotional

People need to know – why would they go somewhere, and that they gain from this visit. The first and main reason is the answer to the question – "What's New." Customers want to know more about the various new products, advanced technologies and latest developments, or something that allow them to save time or…


Objection – a hidden question that people tend to want to get an answer. Consider a few basic objections that Oriflame Consultants have to work almost every day. I can note immediately that 90% of the root of objections made me lay the problem of "no money now." In dealing with objections, the main thing…


No such direct and indirect dependencies. Neither the agency. Neither in nature, the main thing. First, advertising can and should be considered in terms of systems. Secondly, your case as it breathes. People are working, you're running. Somehow. Teach you in your professional activity – only to spoil. Finally. Everything seems to you normally. But…

Moscow Rising Popularity Agency

The current community is no longer able to cope without advertising products. Today you can find a substantial number of proposals that do not reach their goal, since the theoretical consumers about them just do not have to aware that the shows producers and traders, as valuable to find an effective approach to the tastes…

Trade Management

An important issue in the automation of trade is well drafted terms of reference (TOR). TOR for the implementation of the main document defining the requirements and procedure for the creation (development or modernization), an automated system, under which is held development and its acceptance of a single deployment. Terms of Reference should soderzhatsleduyuschie sections:…

International Management

1 September to study at the bachelor's program gsom initiated 183 freshmen and 91 enrolled in the profile "International Management", 57 people – Profile "Financial Management" and 35 – to profile "Marketing". A total of Bachelor's degree program in 2009 was filed 991 application. Overall competition for low cost space was 8.53 statements in place….

Knowledge And Management

KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND SHARING Carlos Mora Vanegas Not all have been identified which is able to share because it involves some virtues have grown as the support, kindness, know to give. Unfortunately there are not many managers who constantly practice self-knowledge that will encourage their growth not know which is the scope, impact generating knowledge…

Transformational Leadership Management

"Leadership can be defined as a certain ability to transform a vision into reality." Warren Bennis Anyone who is identified as a leader is because it brings together a number of features not all have developed, are people who have certain attributes that allow them to have followers, people trust him, but they also are…