Trade Management

An important issue in the automation of trade is well drafted terms of reference (TOR). TOR for the implementation of the main document defining the requirements and procedure for the creation (development or modernization), an automated system, under which is held development and its acceptance of a single deployment. Terms of Reference should soderzhatsleduyuschie sections: Introduction, the reasons for the introduction, the purpose of implementing the requirements of the software product, the requirements for the program documentation, technical and economic indices, development stage, the order of control and acceptance of terms of reference allowed the application to include results of the implementation of these systems consider the basis of the tasks a specific user. Isolate the main users of 1S company. An accountant working in the main program 1C. He's always on hand a list of good custom flexible reports. Due to the good thought-out interface 1C is a high usability. The main thing in the accountant – receiving and reporting delivery of supervisors.

Bookkeeping is not possible without the constant updates of as reporting requirements are constantly changing. 1C Company closely monitors the relevance of its software and the accountant has the ability to easily update the database by ordering a subscription to ITS or by using Internet support. Manager works primarily in the 1C Trade Management 8 (formerly 1C trade and warehouse). The task before the program is to rapidly provide all the necessary information to the manager. Program 1C implemented trade mechanisms such as workplace managers and call center. This gives a clear and quick process and receive the necessary information. Besides, a good set of human arrangements will help to avoid leakage of the closed information.

Great opportunities are given to the chief executive, if he chose to management accounting and automation through a program of family 1C (1C 1C Trade Management or Production Management Company), depending on the specific activity. A large group of management reports can monitor the company in real time. Subsystem analysis helps to predict future condition of the company. Also, it should be noted the budget module, which will help the spread automatically income and deferred expenses.