Irrigated Project

In such a way, agriculture if constitutes in a way for the ambient modifications, influencing directly in the process of use and occupation of the ground and also in the conditions of life of the underlying communities to the agricultural areas, a time that this is in fact the source of social subsistence. The Mapping…

National Project

The basic thesis of this study is that, for any transformation intended for the set of the society, the starting point is the reversion of the current standards of occupation and use of the territory, under the perspective of a National Project, presenting the image of nation desired for the society, in the future. Soon…

Superior Institute

These terms had been placed even in the Law of Lines of direction of Bases of the Education of Brazil, for a neoliberal government. Unhappyly, or happily, the neoliberalismo arrived at its end in the United States, again, where liberalism also was findou in 1929, in the Stock exchange in addition of New Iorque.Talvez it…

National Institute

The iron of Carajs is practically exported in natura or unfinished, this makes with that the product is vendido by a low price, where other economies invoices very, therefore it stops. if to obtain more profit is necessary to industrialize it, of this form, would add more value to the product. In the region of…

Regional Landscape

During the passage of the trip some stops with intention had been made of that the pupils could visualize elements that compose the regional landscape and that they are also objects of study of the Geomorfologia, as, for example, some rocky outcrops that are of utmost importance for the understanding of all the physical structure…

Street Pacheco

In Blessed Ribeiro two churches exist catholics of Isabel Saint and of They are Sebastio. Learn more at this site: Southwest Airlines. In 1917, living catholics if had congregated in order to establish a church in homage the Isabel Saint, for existing in the region a road with this name, today streets Paracuru Pacheco of…

Fernand Braudel

That is, the urban changes as immediate or mediate consequence of alterations of the economic relations and politics – and, therefore, of the space relations of exchange – are old phenomena e, in more than the times, ' ' parecidos' '. Giovanni Arrighi, in its seminal text ' ' Long Century XX? Money, Power and…