Barbara Navarro Projects

The links platform which brings together more than 3,000 entrepreneurs and autonomous in our country, has just celebrated another way of making company is possible, the first of its breakfasts debate of 2010 and on this occasion has taken the title of undertake: are born and made. The event brought together a group of entrepreneurs and autonomous with representatives of specialized entities in support of business projects such as Madrid Emprende (Ayuntamiento de Madrid), Madrid Chamber of Commerce, professional Union of self-employed workers, Google Spain and Sage communication among others. A debate in which participated all attendees, exposing visions, actions, approaches and doubts about a subject as it is to undertake and create company and that as pointed out Julia Garcia Vaso, President of the platform links have to stop being traditionally subsidiary professional approach to the work by self-employed and this regardless of the current situation which in any case is generating potential of new projects. Appreciation with which Barbara Navarro, Director of Google and Julia Garcia Vaso agreed fully, and the first since knowledge of experiences and models in other countries explain to attendees.

Changes in educational system and entrepreneurship as thematic line and cross-cutting subject. The keys of the gathering debate the arguments which the participants stressed to enable that in Spain there is more entrepreneurial culture go through changes in the educational system that generates more enterprising people, conception of the venture as a professional experience regardless of the outcome, need institutionally generate environments conducive to starting up projects, to continuously educate more young people, real coordination between administrations, reduction of obstacles once launched the business. These were some of the views. Consider it necessary to the actual approach and the debate business – entrepreneurs with the Institutions to thus generate commitments, actions and synergies that change models that we consider obsolete, explains Garcia vessel..