Political Institutions

Institutions politics (p 98) the relations politics were established between the great proprietors and its dependents, the ones that gave protection (sponsorship) and the ones received that it (customers). Such form of economic relation and politics was gaining autonomy almost complete, strengthened for the concession of the immunities, fiscal exemption, judiciary etc. Such relations was…

General Solicitor

OF the FICTION TO the REALITY To these facts, it is necessary to add the diverse information to them that the World or knows, on the traffic of organs that I allow myself to remember to them, for example the denunciations in Nampula-Mozambique-, where or the disappearance of young people for the extraction of its…

Treaties Year

This extension of the fiscal goals does not mean that Colombia decides to take an irresponsible attitude increasing its deficit, but certainly responds to a necessity to attenuate the amplitude of the economic cycle so that it does not have deep a social impact. To the efforts that will have to make the policy fiscal…


The intervention was efectivada under coordination of the Dr Clia Rabbit, and scientific direco of the Dr Raquel Caote Raposo, making to fulfill the National Legislation in vigor, having passed between days 8 and 16 of September of 2009. He was adoptee, as methodology, the considered one for Edward Harris (Harris; 1991), of removal of…


To the end of the military regimen and in the implementation of the process of redemocratizao of the country, the redistribution of public revenues in order endowment of the federate sub-units of bigger autonomy in the financial area, still is far from fully solving the redefinition of the engineering of the sectorial politics, despite the…

Switching Time GmbH Xinnovations

Switching time GmbH is a new Member in the Xinnovations e.V. Berlin, the July 16, 2010 in the past few days completed the formalities for accession of the switching time of the Xinnovations Association. The network of IT professionals for network-based information technologies connects companies to create academic – tions, as well as Government and…