To the end of the military regimen and in the implementation of the process of redemocratizao of the country, the redistribution of public revenues in order endowment of the federate sub-units of bigger autonomy in the financial area, still is far from fully solving the redefinition of the engineering of the sectorial politics, despite the beginning of the way in search of basic changes so that the model of management of centered State is surpassed. The characteristics of the decentralizing process in Brazil, in a generalized manner, have been the indefinio of abilities, the dispersion of efforts and resources, the difficulties for the responsabilizao of the different executive spheres for the inexistence or inadequao of the rendering of services. In any way, the decentralization has occurred on the basis of the redistribution of prescriptions, a side, and another one, with recital in new institucional arrangements politician, with the redistribution of abilities between the different spheres of government. As last measure, the decentralizing process comes in gradual way transferring to the functions it public sector to the private, lucrative sector or not, on the basis of the instauration of partnerships and accords. The institucional drawing that if formed in the decurrent educational politics of accords between states and cities is broken up and many times competing in sight of the Fundeb, having consecrated the centered bureaucratic-administrative culture of years 70. Had to the enormous regional inaqualities how much to the size, forms of attendance, performance and fiscal capacity of the cities, she is configured an operational engineering of transistion, where the new institucional papers come being tested of all the forms, being able itself to affirm calmly, that each city is a case to the part. The withdrawal of scene of the federal sphere, substituted, in part, of the new prerogatives given to the states and cities so that these start to assume new abilities of management, does not constitute only one problem technician, but esbarra accurately in the culture politics institutionalized around always prompt negotiations nor, but that they tend if to configure as physiological.