Project Pedagogical Politician

It is observed that, in fact, the school not yet possesss its Project Pedagogical Politician, perhaps and this is the result of the diversity of opinions how much to the importance of its elaboration and application, that is, not yet exists excessively integrant a norteador axle where all the faculty and of this process can…

Basic Educational Projects

It is exposed, as example, practical the pedagogical one developed for the author in groups of 3 and 4 series of Basic Ensino, by means of lessons given in a municipal school of Estuary of the Iguau? PR and lead complementary activities in a center of Science, the Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son. The…

Military Regimen

During the Military Regimen, in the seio of the Armed Forces, it had two main groups that they disputed the power politician in Brazil: ' ' castelistas' ' , that they had in White Castello its ideological leader (initially, they desired to restore the social order for after that returning the power to the civilians)…