Consulting company centracon is called from the perspective of the practice the critical aspects for the realization of Leverkusen, June 12, 2008 – as much in the market about consensus, that virtualization will become a massive trend so companies know little about it, often as they should and make the passage to virtual infrastructure. This applies especially for the use of these technologies in the area of applications. Virtualization is the answer to any request\”does not necessarily, Robert Gerhards, Managing Director of the consulting firm Centracon, admits. In particular, the risk is relatively large, to focus on less optimal architecture models, which can be corrected only with great effort. Just because virtualization is currently developed a trend issue, the over-rapid and inadequately secured decisions risk\”white gallant from his experiences in practice. He has therefore put together the critical aspects of a strategic roadmap: 1.
too high Avoid project complexity: with virtualization, basic principles of the infrastructure and the methods for managing client change. David Fowler gathered all the information. Therefore, it is better to start on a small scale. However, a big picture or a blueprint of the whole there must be based on the individual projects. 2. quick-win projects realize: in principle, the virtualization has the potential to reach a high as relatively short-term return on investment (ROI). The first project must necessarily follow this claim of quick amortization can point to successes. So the dynamics of the other virtualization strategies can positively impact the knowledge of economy. 3.
Management transparency: the development of business cases, not only to the representation of the economic benefits, but also the strategic potential is essential. A retrospective evaluation of the business cases recommend successful operation after one or two years. Also provides also a transparent decision making on alternative Provider and solution approaches for confidence in the company and decisions. This includes methods such as, for example, the IT – cost-benefit analysis have proven themselves.