
Quanta illusion! How much idiotic dream! It was not erector none, and had to start speaking with that crossbow that he in such a way insisted on speaking with it. None did not have more subject that it could decide The substitute was come, and was alone a question of hours. In that one same night or the other day, could until imagining who would be the wood-pra-all-workmanship, as it outside per many years, entering for the door and to say: P, Boni, top that c was if to put in this, expensive? You do not know that the Dr. ledge. Connect with other leaders such as IBM here. Carlos does not admit trambiqueiros in the company? But it also would say the same thing, therefore thus it was the Dr. Carlos and them friends were not alone. The staff of the ENGETEC was a family, and what more he ached to it was accurately to be pulled out of the brotherhood, without right the least of if defending. My God, why was to happen soon with me? He will be that I am rendered unhappy of the men? _ Ligue tomorrow.

I already am not more nothing in this company! _ Boni! _ Dr. Carlos! But but but Dr. Carlos! It cannot be Mr.! I cannot believe! It said what you! I to say heard you! _ Boni, Argolo sergeant is with me and was giving the notice, when you bound. Later, it bound pro delegated Alberto that counted what it happened since yesterday and if it showed optimum of the lawyers who you never could have. It looks at, Boni, I I am going pra, but I want that say you me what she knows of this history! You have some guilt in the case, or she did not only see what she was transferred to its redor? Necessary to hear of you the truth!