
The autonomy is related with the performance of the professor, with its to make, ‘ ‘ to know fazer’ ‘ , but not as mechanist act, and yes as somebody that elaborates, it leads, it plans, it executes, as component necessary and dynamic of its daily work. It not, only, follows a planning of routine,…

The Man

In the current custom everything is guided for the productivity, and pain, the pleasure, the hatred, the love, the fear, and all the other emotions, violent, do not favor the efficiency productive, but obstacles impose it. therefore the good bourgeois education tends to neutralize them. For this already not if valley of the coarse way…

So Paulo

Until middle of years 90, this type of psychological riot was almost a monopoly of those professors who work in public schools. Today, it affects equal amount of educators of particular colleges. Always it was part of the challenge of the teaching to manage adolescents with hormone in boiling and the natural desire of the…

Miser Ventilation

When choosing the type of floor heating will certainly need to consult an electrician. Installation of electric underfloor heating, Of course, cheaper and easier than installing a water. But in large areas it is quite able to absorb half due to your apartment electricity. The rest of the 'eat' the heater of the ventilation system….

The Opportunity

‘But it means that women too have a special need that men have to respect! ” – You will say. Yes, you’re right, it also is related to differences in needs, but it’s not for women, that satisfy the need for speaking it can only communicating with her man. Baby clothes wanted to know more….

South Dakota

After enjoying a magnificent view, you can buy a gift beautiful photos or even a small wall reliefs depicting the monument. It may be worthy of a memorable gift to your boss. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Mark Zuckerberg. If that decision seem trivial to you, pay attention to more complex…


Mr. Rodrigo, is the Someone of the bakery here such. He would like to inform he has that you five pezinhos daily pay-approved here. Could give one to you passadinha to catch them here? To the nine of the morning, I take care of the telephone again. Mr. Rodrigo, is of aougue such here, would…

Professional Issues

As we have already indicated in previous units, we can define the vocational guidance in a broad manner as assistance to a person to resolve issues related to your professional life, taking into account their personal characteristics, and the needs and socioeconomic perspectives of your environment. Professionals working in this field carried out an intersubjective…

Professional Sales

This analysis is very important, since here is derived from the method that you should use to manage the sales process and achieve effectiveness in its work. In measure to that product or service is of highest involvement, more refined and complex will be the sale process to use. Anyway, If the product is of…

Doctor Profession

The Doctors we have been trained to fight by the Life It always defends the Life! , We have been forged to study It studies! , We have been trained to go and to aid to our patients in spite of our fatigue It goes to those calls! We are enabled to plan, to unravel…