For the first time in Russia runs a unique project where everyone can take part in the creation of historical adventure novel and its influence on the storyline. Hero Basil Hospitality “Alexander. 1240 “- known Prince Alexander Nevsky, the commander, the winner of the historic choice of the Russians in 2008 in the TV “Name of Russia”. Historians still offer a different version of the Battle of the Neva in 1240, in which Russian troops were victorious. Exactly this period of life of Prince recreated in the novel. The new version of the Neva battle involving not only the Swedish knights and the prince’s retinue, but also Izhora hunters and the Karelian fells Vodskaya sorcerer-cart. The first chapters of the work already written. They can be found on the site.
Everybody can change the course of events described in the novel through interactive voting. The site will be offered three options of the story. Each wants to be able to vote for their favorite option. Two further chapters will be written on the script, which has selected most of the votes. In addition, the site can also read the main article version Historians in the Neva battle and become familiar with the rubric devoted to the village of Ust-Izhora, which creates a museum diorama (on the site of the battle).