List Loan

Do not forget that the loan you take 15-20 years or even longer. This means that during all this time you will have every month a significant portion of their income transfer to the bank. Even psychologically far everyone ready for this. Just imagine – if you took a loan in the same year, you'll marry a year later you have a baby, then by the time the loan your child has already graduated from high school, and you have every chance of becoming a grandmother or grandfather. I'm not trying to scare you, just call for a balanced miscalculation of its capabilities. The second stage – a collection of documents. Take a list of documents required for granting a mortgage loan.

All the banks he practically the same as Most banks impose similar requirements on borrowers. Carefully read it. Most of the documents you have at home. Otkopiruyte them. Copies should be bright, clear, readable. Each document or a turn must be placed on a separate sheet of A4. Employees of banks do not like to do applique and excision of the paper, namely, that it falls and when on one sheet otkopirovany all certificates, receipts, pages, inserts and other documents that are just climbed on the list. Pay special attention to the documents that you take from the employer. Statement of earnings must be drawn up correctly, all required fields must be filled out, check the seals and signatures of responsible persons. Keep in mind that the income statement should be dated and contain information for all the latest full month.