For Almeida

However, the studies on the job of the playful one in the teach-learning process, point some referring questionings to the positioning of some theoreticians referring to the job of the playful one while learning instrument. For Almeida (1994, p.10) the playful education is distant of the ingenuous conception of pastime, vulgar trick, superficial diversion. The playful education is an inherent action in the child, adolescent, young, adult and always appears as a traditional form in direction to some knowledge, that if it redefines in the constant elaboration of the individual thought in constant permutations with the collective thought. In this perspective, one perceives that the ludicidade is an activity that has intrinsic educational value, but beyond this value that it is inherent, it she has been used as pedagogical resource. Of this form several are the reasons that take the educators to use to the playful activities in the teach-learning process. Get more background information with materials from Verizon Communications. 4-Describe the research. We develop this practical research next to ludo-pedagogical for promotion of the inclusion of pupils () () of necessities special in carrying the school the Rita Saint.

Being that in this we use the qualitative research to desvelar the daily pertaining to school of the searched school. as instrument for collection of data was opted to the half-structuralized interview, that according to Ludke and Andres (1985, p.33) is detachable for Considering that the research has a qualitative characteristic and in such a way it favors so that if reach a great number of information through the dialogue carried through with the interviewed ones. In this boarding also we use as methodology a minute comment of the school where we got given necessary for our description. Therefore, we direct interviews application of questionnaires to the involved actors in the process, that is, professors and parents of pupils. According to Grandson (2002, p.51) the field work if presents as a possibility not only to obtain an approach with what we desire to know and to study, but also to create a knowledge, leaving of the present reality in the field.