
It only placed new classrooms, in the conditions of new oppression and form of fight in the place of antigas' '. The work, from now on was developed by men, women and children inside of the plants with an exhausting hours of working. Dismissed of everything, not to be of the work force, the worker if sees debtor to accept the conditions of work imposed by the capitalist system, that if bases on the exploration and the misery. The profit it is more important that the worker. This process unchains, as bigger evidence, the conflict between the capital and the work, reflected in the expressions of the social matter. In this historical context, the capitalism assumes a more expressive position, leaving of being only one subsystem. The new relations of work in the last few decades had suffered and suffer spalling as work and as social classroom, and the changes are visible in the scene economic macro.

' ' crises' ' of the capital they had unchained/unchain changes and adaptability of the owners of the means of production to take care of the logic imposed for the market, when they reorganize front to the globalization of the economy, the technology, the organization and the management of the work. This historical way of the globalization and the capitalstico accumulation demands an evolution in the organization of the production. According to Antunes (2005, P. 93): ' ' We live in a society that produces merchandises, values of exchange, the revolts of the work finish having statute of centralidade' '. The consumista behavior of the global village makes with that the capital generates an increase of the inaquality. The condition human being perpassa a base of the misery, with highest levels of structural unemployment, rearrangements of abilities. The efetivao of this rearrangement alone and possible with adaptation to the new paradigm of the technology and productivity, having as objetivao the competitiveness, profitability and productivity what it generates serious consequences in the social reality of the worker.