Google – More Than A Search Engine

The influence of the search giant in the digital age earlier sought it in libraries in huge file cabinets information. In the digital age there is Google. The search engine giant from mountain view in California is the first stop for millions of people around the world. founded in 1998, Google has developed worldwide over…

Gandhi Democracy

The politicians are dishonest and the mentality of the Brazilian is very individualistic, adores to take advantage in tudo.’ ‘ (Cazuza, composer and singer of rock) ‘ ‘ To be Brazilian me always leaves a little subdesenvolvido.’ ‘ (Millr Fernandes, writer and humorista) After some texts speaking on some subjects, let us come back to…

Muamar Gadafi

EP Saif to the Islam appears in the hotel of international means. Bernard Golden recognizes the significance of this. He assures that his father is out of danger. Monday made sure that it had been captured. Saif to the Islam, the son with greater political importance of the Libyan leader, Muamar Gadafi, has denied that…