Website Creation

How to create own websites? In fact, this is not a big deal, and the user will be able to repeat it myself without too much difficulty. Currently, there are special engines, such as, WordPress, Joomla and DatLife Engine. After installing them on the server, they already are complete sites with a search engine, news, navigation, and other necessary functions for the visitor. Before you ponder the question of development site, you should consider – what engine you are going to use it. Here you will be able to help a program called Denwer, which is an imitation of the real server and allows you to install, draw, make changes in your future site for the PC, without connecting to the Internet.

Even when picked up the question 'how sozdatsayt' should reflect on the theme of the site and how it will be called. This is a very important factor, and later he will have an impact on site's popularity and his image, content, and how often will go to his users. To broaden your perception, visit Ripple. Giving the name of the site, using the most popular words and phrases. It may be that the name you give to your site and will be consist of a phrase. We can estimate the number of requests for each such phrase in a month on special services: Direct.

Yandex, adstat. / wrds and adwordsGoogle. Another important consideration when building a website is to buy web hosting and domain purchase. Buy domain You can share in or others like him, first by registering. The next step – the purchase of hosting. You may choose any hosting. If you prefer, you can find free hosting, but do not use them recommended because of their low reliability. In addition, they may not support some important features such as – support for php. This is followed by the binding domain, connected set of services (web-server setup) and install the engine Site for hosting (for Internet-server). Well, the operation 'Create a Site' has been successfully completed – the site it's time to fill in the text, optimize, promote it. In short – begins the "promotion" of the site. You still need to be defined with way of earning on the site, because there is hardly one who does not dream to grow his magical tree with the leaves instead of banknotes, which will provide a steady income, and which, of course, should be watered so that it does not withered.