Wall Street Institute

Do do the ROI? n to be a franchisee of this ense? a is about 150,000 euros, including the Canyon’s entrance, with a royalty of exploitation? n, 7% of sales and a royalty of 2% of sales marketing. ?Do do do with this investment? n, the recovery? n provided initial capital is 36 months, with a turnover? the first n to? or 348,000. For the franchisee business model is robust and proven. Do do do do do do does the strength of the brand and the robustness of system provide a business than to trav? s of the combination? tecnolog n? to pedag? gica, operational know-how, and a reduced staff structure gives very good results in the account of exploitation? n of the operator?, says Jos? Pessoa. Do in terms of the local franchise defines a number of character? features that must meet them in order to have greater certainty of the? success of the Academy. Do do do do are selected premises of approximately 200 square meters in populations of m? s of 100,000 showing areas of much tr? transit, n? population cores with good communication? n with transport p? public and wide facade. Wall Street Institute is cre? in 1972 in response to the enormous potential of the business of the ense? anza of English language, both for purposes of ense? anza for professional reasons as personal.

Initially released in Italy, r? quickly amp? do their centers of learning of the English language to Switzerland and Espa? a, expanded? ndose subsequently to other pa? ses. Do do do do do do do do do the growth of Wall Street Institute in the? last to? has experienced it an evolution? very positive n that has led him to triple its presence in the world, from 102 centres in 8 pa? ses in 1995 to m? 400 centers in 28 pa s? ses currently, ense? ando English m? s of 140,000 students every? or. Do do do is this what makes that it differs from other competitors, which is a company of recognized prestige worldwide with a m?