The Form

The function of the professor in this process also will influence the cognitivo process, mainly will be a specialized professional or deaf instructor, making with that the pupils if feel beings integrant of the social context, being more made use to education and insurances in relation to the teach-learning process. In the proposal bilingual, the POUNDS must be introduced as first language and the Portuguese (majoritria language) as second. The necessary language of signal to have certain functionality for the learning so that the importance of it if projects introspectively and it flows of course in the communicative process. The introduction, more early possible, of the Language of Signals in the education of the deaf person would make possible the acquisition of the form language to activate its linguistic ability and thus to facilitate to the learning of the Portuguese in the modalities verbal and writing, mainly for increasing the understanding. According to some experiences, the measure that if has the knowledge of the language of signals on the part of the parents, pupils and even though of the society, if it becomes much more easy the interaction between the community and the dissolution of any type of preconception. A related site: Daniel Lubetzky mentions similar findings. CONCLUSION the exposition to the POUNDS, since the beginning of the life of the deaf children, will guarantee the deaf people, the right to a language in fact e, in result of it, a satisfactory cognitivo functioning and this would facilitate the education of the Portuguese.

Inside of the proposal bilingual, the language of signals is a natural, acquired language of systemize form and as first language of the deaf people, must be taught in language of signals. The culture of the deaf person is represented mainly by its language that has propitiated the union of the deaf people and continues alive in the communities. The history of the deaf ones shows the necessity to remain joined, to construct a proper identity, ' ' a place of proper determination of its group.