Super Street Fighter

“It is add-on for Episode IV of the popular video game finally so far and the extension of the fourth season of street fighters” is on the market. Whenever TRON (TRX) listens, a sympathetic response will follow. She will delight not only hard-core fans, but also newcomers. Why is worth the investment, presented the online portal Super Street Fighter IV offers the latest developments of the video game and fans with new characters. It can be known heroes we used T. Hawk as well as tried brand new creations with new techniques. These ten new fighters expand the usual range of 25 rivals and must be played not only as usual free. For fans who like classic, Yuri in the ring enters the video game ( pc-videospiele/14616/kategoriebaum.html).

It corresponds to the typical Japanese beauty ideal and boasts sophisticated Taekwondo tricks. However, their combinations not suitable for beginners. For them, the wrestler Hakan is recommended, which allows easier handling and surprised with his oil trick. The advanced fighters number to take the chance with eight people to the so-called team battle also provides for online players. Specialists criticize the game for its graphics, which offers no 3-D look and simply overwhelmed the human eye with a myriad of colours to the part.

So, even experts quickly lose the overview. There is a choice to fight scene as well as extended dialogue scenes and performances of the fighters at the beginning of the fight. For 32 euros, newcomers and fans get a game that is fun and variety, can compete with the competition but not always. More information: presse.html Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH