Pixelate Spanish

And also with emoticons, that is not that they are bad or ugly, it is simply precluding express our mood with words. And this is complicating the expression of thought and emotion; so at least Celdran warns it us. We express ourselves worse when we want to raise the thought. Read more from Litecoin to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It is more difficult now, and that translates into linguistic hesitations of the speaker and words that have not been well assimilated. Without uves? But with a w (which replaces gu), lot b, and not a few x: anything that sounds is multiplication sign: dxtes (sports). And with much mathematics. The sign + has also become strong in the language of the mobile, and its opposite: + or-(more or less), ade + (addition) and in a matter of numbers, as says Somoano in his Deslenguados, open bar: a1q (although), salu2 (saludos), b7s (kisses), 100pre (always), a10 (Goodbye). Question of aesthetics best sell a facelift.

We like it or not, the reality is that the Spanish is full, and increasingly, of terms that come from the English. The anglicisms are almost everywhere and often simply as a matter of aesthetics. Seems best to do us a facelift to a stretch, even if it is the same, and not to mention the words fashion (in fashion), glamour (elegant), hobby (hobby), target (target audience), staff (staff) or leggings (meshes). What was the poster? The well established Word poster was which eliminated from our vocabulary to classic poster. Another word which is in good health and that comes from anglicism test is test, as well as the so repeated, when creams it comes, tested. We love what of dermatologically tested. And it seems more important, more technical, which the proven more Spanish however. This adds Somoano many others such as Checkup (recognition), celebrities (famous) or the outlet so resorted (off-season).

The success of the pedantic much longer, better. This seems to be the motto of all lovers of the incorrect words: open (by Open), permissibility (by permissiveness), receiving (receivable), sustantivizar (by sustantivar) or the dreaded reset (for restart). It seems clear that there is a kind of power that leads to lengthen it all in search of an elegance that only hides a quest for the pretentious (why did not say influence instead of the easier to influence, if both mean exactly the same thing? And is that, against the success of the bombastic, elegance has always been in the same difficult place: simplicity. Only that, just like speak well, is not so easy. Click or click? Because unfortunately, and although they extend as if they were correct, at the moment the Academy nor supports click verb nor its twin click, although Yes has crept between its pages the word click. Good fortune with the SAR, nor chat has raced since the only meaning which includes is the same as always: drinking flat (wine). That, like clicking, yes we find in the Bible of the Spanish is pixel, but the verbs that have been derived and extended, Pixelate (even the terrible Pixelate), still have very open doors of the SAR. Source of the news: the Spanish we speak very badly, but we wrote much worse