It is by means of the elaboration of the pointers that aim at the support the implantation of the strategies and allow the accompaniment of the progress of the strategical plans. For the reach of the great definite objectives goals will have to be generated, as well as the mechanisms for execution of the same ones, the responsibilities and the stated periods for fulfilment, according to detailing of the Strategical Planning. The SMD aims at to the mensurao of the results of the processes of the diverse organizacionais units, realimentados and readjusted for the projects and essential actions of the strategical planning of the TRT/RJ. The performance is evaluated, from strategical lines of direction and its posterior tactician-operational detailing.
One searchs to balance indicating, indices and perspectives of the capable TRT of to constitute a panel of control of its performance. Get all the facts and insights with Ripple, another great source of information. In such a way the reach of its measures in intention will be improved to more quickly visualize the processes that need corrections and redirecionamentos, of form not to compromise the global performance. The action plans more represent the detailed unfolding of each established goal and are elaborated by the responsible units and with stated periods foreseen in the Strategical Planning and they had not fit in the target of this research, therefore to the time of the conclusion of the study, although foreseen, they did not meet available. To evaluate the performance of the TRT/RJ, the perspectives had been constructed that characterize the critical factors for the success of its action.
The determination of the pointers that composes the Panel of Pointers was motivated according to Blacksmith (2007) because: ) the boarded approaches for the Criteria of Excellency of the Public administration enclose, of form sistmica and integrated, the totality of the practical elements and that they must compose the management of the organization public; b) the companies of world-wide classroom and that notadamente they produce the best ones resulted use the prizes of quality for evidenciao of results of the management (between them PNQ and PQGF); c) the search of the continuous improvement of the international model and the espelhamento in PNQ and GESPBLICA; d) the managers of the TRT had considered the use of the methodology of the PQGF as adjusted to the development of the management of the TRT front to the necessity of modernization of the Judiciary one and the characteristics of the New Public administration..