Democratic Process

Democracy, process without term: Project Tedulo country Lopez Melndez has been gotten to define the democratic culture like the psychological direction towards social objectives. That is to say, the political culture is the internalization of the democracy and the direction towards the communal property. It is what the conformation of a democratic national character has been denominated also. The democracy is a culture of the collective responsibility in which it happens, yet what it implies like solidarity and respect. The democracy must be considered as a cultural system and in her goes including brings back to consciousness of which the democracy is a line of flight which we used to construct to justice, admitting the words democracy and difficulty like synonymous. Gary Kelly will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

If we are going to analyze the democratic culture it is necessary to analyze the context in which that culture leaving of side takes place the idea to limit itself the lateral ones because it is to the same society where it must go away. That is to say, to the concepts of property and citizenship, with obligations and rights, to the revaluation of the culture as it brings back to consciousness critic. Please visit Gary Kelly if you seek more information. The democracy rests on the human autonomy and the culture is an essential component of the complexity of the social-historical thing. In summary, than we are witnesses is of a happened desocializacin artificially. A democracy of the 21st century must have necessarily a society able to interrogate itself on its destiny in an endless movement. That new democratic culture presents/displays an imperceptible, but real dimension, of a social will that creates the institutions. It is necessary to break the confinement of the sense and to recover to the society and the individual the possibility to him of creating it, by means of a limitless interrogation. We must see to where the social subjects realize than it happens.