Crisis Management

Human resource management is an ongoing and at the same time very complex process. It should be noted that it is difficult because of the presence of so many factors that have a significant impact on the ability of organizations in different fields, to recruit and retain strategic resources. Under the policy, means personnel, constituting the main skeleton of the organization, without which the overall management and basic activity can not be done or will not come properly. Though it that often key persons organizations simply do not think about possible dangers, especially as global economic crisis does its job. As a result, employers in the environment is growing stronger and more confident that the employee leaves the organization and will work on any terms. In fact, the worker, confident in their knowledge and skills will be needed and always out of work will not stay long. Even if they continue to perform their duties, he will choose for themselves a convenient and profitable time for transfer to another company, and even may well be in contention. For example, a recruitment firm Antal International has undertaken a study whose purpose was to determine the causes that lead away from "good" seats.

The results showed that no money the main reason for leaving: – 35% of respondents named the cause of his dismissal, "the impossibility of a career" – 18% – leadership style – only 17% – low wages – 7% – dissatisfied with the size of bonuses – 7% – not like a "black " Salary – 5% – not satisfied with the location of the office – 1% – of respondents decided to change the industry – 10% – other reasons. It should be noted that these studies were conducted in England, Russia, the company Kelly Services has conducted a similar study in which surveyed thousands of job seekers about 4 jobs in major Russian cities. The results were: – 27% of respondents called the main cause of dissatisfaction with the dismissal wages – 25% – lack of career growth – 12% complain of fatigue from the grind the same time: – 25.84% of respondents are looking for a new job a once in 1.5-2 years – 12.67% in 1-1.5 years time – 10.35% more often than 1 time per year – 9% more frequently than once every 6 months. From this we can conclude the following: the global economic crisis does not require employers to relax and work in the direction of maximum retention of the most professional, trained human resources, even in the case of compulsory redundancy. This process should be ongoing, work with staff and must be carried out continuously, not a comforting crisis. Otherwise, you can stay with ineffective staff and then you crisis seem real.