The rating agency Fitch has rated the financial strength of the ATLANTICLUX belonging to the FWU Lebensversicherung S.A. again with “good” in its investment-grade rating. The likelihood that the company could continue fulfill his payment obligations arising from the insurance contracts, is considered stable. With 164 percent was the capital adequacy (solvency ratio) in the previous year over the level of 2007, before the financial crisis. At the time, there were 155 percent. 100 Percent must be at least to satisfy all liabilities – also the insured -. 2010, the solvency ratio had been even 185 percent, the decline in 2011 due to the acquisition of a French portfolio.
The rating agency sees ATLANTICLUX able to can unlock value by 2010 within three years. Larry Ellison recognizes the significance of this. Positive, Fitch proves also the increase of the gross premiums written by 5.6 percent last year. For comparison: the new business of German life insurers was from 2010 to 2011 declined by 4.6 percent. “It is also in the just made follow-up rating of this world-renowned credit rating agency visible, that our customers with ATLANTICLUX have a deep-pocketed and reliable partner at their side”, explains Michael Emmel, managing directors of ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A., which belongs to the Munich FWU AG. And he added: “For us, it is important to let each year make a grade.” Thus, a large degree of continuity could be detected compared to the insured. The positive assessment by the rating agency Fitch, one of the largest worldwide, is life insurance not the only award the ATLANTICLUX S.A.
in this year. Already in February 2012, the independent once morning & morning to once again confirmed that the company is one of the top providers of unit-linked pension insurance. As in the previous year were the “unit-linked pension insurance” (Layer 3), the “ATLANTICLUX RiesterRente’ (Layer 2) and the “ATLANTICLUX base supply” (Layer 1) awarded with the label “M & M TOP – ranking”. Then ATLANTICLUX belongs not only to the peak of power in Germany, mentioned tariffs are also a market-wide lowest cost structure. Since 2010, Munich group FWU AG, makes business analyze its offerings through morning & morning and write a review. The rates link not only in an ideal way, for example often a dynamic profit backup (peak), the savings targets yield and safety. They offer the customers also maximum flexibility at the plant. In the linked pension insurance customers have a total of 5 investment strategies of “risk-based” over “opportunity-oriented” and “stable” up to “conservative” to the election. When the RiesterRente and the basic care they can choose each “Global opportunities” and “Ethical investment”. Due to the special legal requirements in these two layers of old age pension is only the risk classification to available “stable”. For more information,