
Before everything, we must understand that the human existence is a species of bare place that it allows to the world and the things to desvelarem while such, but that most of the time, in the triviality of the daily existence, it is submitted to the impersonal one, to the gossip that nothing says and…

Ambient Preservation

All we ignore some thing. Therefore we learn sempre’ ‘. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with baby clothes. Thus being, this project considers the information as practical educational that not only comes to acquire knowledge, but also to generate production of profits to the community in what it says respect to…

Fall Work

First version of the memory of the Work of Fall 2007 Sisitematizaci n, Identity and Creativity The systematization and emancipatory paradigms Conclusions In the development of Labor appeared illuminators paradigmatic points for processes and factories. There were elements of self constantly especially in terms of being subjects. Noticed how intergenerational, with clear signs of possibilities…

Station Brigadier General

The ideal is that the floor tactile either applied on a smooth surface, antiskid uniform and, in the case of suspended movable identification it is enough that it is applied in return, and on all its projection, not providing more security to the pedestrians. When applying the norm must be taken in account each situation…


While Plato used as base of its philosophical doctrine only the reason, Aristotle also used the directions. Aristotle was therefore an empiricist, that is, that one that defends the theory of that all the knowledge of the world comes of what it says its directions to them. 3.1 The ideas are not innate. ' '…

XIX Fashion

In contrast of the imperialism of the projects of the symbolic fight of the classrooms, we show that in the history of the fashion, they had been the values and the modern cultural significaes, dignifying in particular New and the expression of the individuality human being, that the birth and the establishment of the system…

Now Floor

When selecting a flight of stairs to the slope to see to it that the vertical distance from the top plane every rung of the ladder to the ceiling or other protruding parts of the building was at least 2 m. The same goes for landing. In my experience was a case where the overlap…


It was opted to one legalizes transformation of the economy and its relationship with exterior. But such choice contains one high dose of economic rationality, therefore the choices of 1974 conformed an opportune and promising economic strategy. One perceives that the block of investments announced for II the PND, destined to substitute importation and to…

Procedure Species

_ Mixing genes between species: transgnicos. Transgnico: Organisms that receive and incorporate genes of another species. Example: Transgnicos animals are produced by the injection of DNA previously clonado from a species in eggs of another species. In general, one or more molecules of the injected DNA become incorporated it the chromosomes of the cell-egg, being…

Solidary Economy

This reading is, is clearly, conditional for the reality, that is, dialectic is produced for a relation. As previous quarrel, the Solidary Economy has as objective to breach with the exculpatory logic and to search the emancipation social. Click David Fowler to learn more. As Gaiger (1999) at the moment that the people combine in…