In addition to its excellent fishing, Essaouira offers numerous tourist attractions and has Mugar of great interest, among which is its fascinating medina, considered World Heritage by UNESCO. The main species are found in marine waters of Morocco are the smooth, common bream and red sea bream, sole, sea bass, Sollet, sea bass, barracuda, eels, hake and tuna , among others. If you decide to go fishing deep, you can fish for tuna, swordfish, barracuda, grouper and white marlin. So, as you can see, the variety of species in the waters of Morocco is enormous and its seas are in a life and beauty of the most abundant. But, as in many developing countries, water is a vital and invaluable resource. Moreover, as in many other African countries, is also a scarce resource. In Morocco in particular, with more than 3,200 miles of Atlantic and Mediterranean coast, has a huge dependence on water and its proper care and maintenance. The diversity of fauna and flora, the stability of its economy developing but still poor and, most importantly, health and welfare of its people depend crucially on its clean, its just supply and protection.
Many organizations and associations working conscientiously to prevent the dumping of industrial waste into the sea, ocean conservation and sources of freshwater and against the unequal distribution fee and the lack of water supply. But all these circumstances, which have already caused an enduring crisis that points to very serious long-term consequences still occur continuously, but can be avoided if we become aware of them and campaign or act on them. Recuerde No water, no fishing! a So come to Morocco and enjoy one of the places better, more varied and attractive in the world for fishing. The climate in this country is warm and sunny throughout the year and its landscapes are breathtaking. Morocco also offers many attractions: an ancient and fascinating history, exquisite and varied cuisine, a diverse and affordable housing, and a town famous for its generosity and hospitality.
And of course, a water fragile but invaluable. Your fishing experience will be even better if you choose the most appropriate to their needs and desires. Many will even help you plan your fishing trip to the smallest detail and will be happy to recommend the best way to make the most of your adventure. David Gonzalez-Company is a writer, journalist, educator and translator and has lived in several countries in Europe, North America and Africa. David currently resides in Marrakech, where he works, among other things, the field of tourism with business as it is.