Authors: P. Buriak and measles P. Probably never before in human history, the weight information was not so high and never, perhaps, so much information was not made in light of how many in our days with you – the days of the Information Age. Today The Internet gives us a tremendous amount of very diverse information. Among the number of things, we would like to mention a particularly large number of different motivational literature, best theme of which is personal success. After reading many books on this topic, and when faced with a lot of variety of interpretations, we could not have been interested in the question: who is he, this welcome all the guests on behalf of the "success"? Digging in Online publications, we found the following his short description of that word: success – it is achieving the goals of anything. But we, like-minded people, we decided to conduct a thorough analysis of this seemingly complex concepts as success, and make appropriate conclusions independently, taking into account, of course, the authorities were, in my opinion, writers. Stand on your judgments, following our thoughts on the topics raised by us, and I invite you, dear reader, to reflect with me. Let's think about it in a relaxed atmosphere that lies at the root of this mysterious fog covered the concept, try to figure out what's what and how The first associations that arise in our mind when sound the word success – is something associated with happiness, a state of harmony, fame and wealth.