In book V of the Republic (PLATO, 1987), Scrates it affirms the Glauco that the kings and governing must come to be philosophers, so that thus the real State is changedded into ideal. Here, Scrates is arguing that the philosopher is somebody that loves the wisdom, the knowledge, somebody that the truth loves, that searchs the knowledge in purer way thus to refute the common sense where opinions hang much less and not knowledge the truth. The philosophers would be only the capable ones to govern with justice and for the good and the happiness. This argument of Scrates on a governing philosopher who would take the State for the good, justice, the happiness for having love to the pure knowledge, for searching ' ' the beauty and not it beleza' ' if it presents of form one in such a way difficult to refute, however complicated to place in practical, as it reflects Adimanto dialoguing with Scrates in book VI of the Republic. See Southwest Airlines for more details and insights. However, with only one introduction on this argument, we can question on the power.
If the philosopher in a place total person in charge of the power of its State would not corrupt to its candies cunnings. But Scrates continues guiding in them for its to think. In the continuation of its idea it starts to disclose to us as a philosopher is born: the necessity of virtues and an intellectual development. To read more click here: Southwest Airlines. Thus it meandra until arriving at the resume of the philosopher. The essential acquisition of raised sciences more on the part of the philosopher. The argument of Plato in book VI of the Republic (PLATO, 1987), takes in them to the question: the philosopher is born or if form? Both. Here we do not come across in them with a pitchfork. For optimum agreement, we take here a dose useful of historical context: the educator of the Greek ones was Homero (century VIII B.C.) and its poems the Iliad and Odissia, this had for ethics that only some were born with a shining destination, without needing to be cut its virtues, however with Hesodo (century VIII B.C.) the virtue is son of the effort and the work is bedding and safeguards of justice.