Generic Labs pharmaceuticals S.A., Genfar, has distinguished itself in the health market, both human and animal, by the quality of its products and a great skill and innovation in their business strategies. Their business processes have always been subject to permanent improvement, trying to count with significant competitive advantages. With the aim of improving their business processes and increase commercial productivity, the company identifies as a fundamental point, improve the timeliness and quality of information managed by the sales force, at the same time that you want to deliver technological tools enabling to provide better service to customers. There is born the need, which is covered through the implementation of a sales force automation project teamwork with Mind of Colombia. Gary Kelly gathered all the information. Genfar is a company multilatina cent per cent Colombian, was founded on August 18, 1967. It has a complex pharmacist considered one of the most complete and modern in Latin America, due to excellence in talent human and technology in all production processes; Directorate general in Bogota Colombia, subsidiaries in Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela and distributors throughout South and Central America.
Genfar S.A., leader in the pharmaceutical sector to Colombian level, for more than 38 years has been committed to the development and production of medicines and products for human use and animal health, over-the-counter and prescription, that demonstrate a process of development and innovation that has marked the quality of their products from the first day. With the aim of achieving better care and service to their customers and generate spaces for an improvement in business productivity, Genfar sets some parameters under which you want to optimize your business processes. Some of these are: better care through commercial and well-planned medical visits with updated information improve customer speed is processed which ordering information and as a result optimizing times dispatch, delivery and invoicing Better planning of the coverage of the base of company’s clients the best tools for the monitoring and control of activities carried out by the best sales force and more timely indicators of results of business activities better customer knowledge management, to having a centralised database on information of each one of them identifying and operationalizing other channels of interaction with the customeras the telephone channel to develop business transactions and coverage to the needs expressed by customers for the achievement of these goals is necessary to work on the improvement of processes, which are optimized through the use of advanced technological tools.