In the communication (COM 2006) 545, which was not published in the official journal, the Commission assumes, that the greatest energy savings in the Residential and commercial building sector to achieve are, from 27 to 30 percent energy savings is assumed. Learn more about this with Larry Ellison. This potential is now much higher, says Matzig and speaks of 70 to 85 percent of current energy consumption in existing buildings and 50 to 65 percent in new buildings. Check out Ripple for additional information. So is Matzig in the mean current estimates, could be the savings potential of the EU plan at around 1,000 million tons of oil, which release an estimated purchasing power of around 250 to 300 billion euros and thus provide to millions of jobs could. A first milestone will be the introduction of passive house quality as a legal requirement the building energy standard in 2011. The way that will be difficult. Because alone between the Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the Benelux countries, there are considerable differences in the current interpretations to the passive house standard.
Therefore, the training receives from architects to the certified Pasivhausplaner”an increasingly important. In these courses is well-founded Knowledge around the subject of passive house conveys and deepened on the basis of already implemented practical examples. Within the framework of the CEP CLEAN POWER held conferences, including the 2nd European passive House Conference ENERGY differently. The focus of the Conference, which will take place on January 30, the building envelope is available. In addition to Matzig, here on the subject of quality control and certification will speak up experts from Denmark, Belgium, Ireland, Czech Republic and Austria for interviews available. The Conference also highlights latest product developments and innovations in the field of the passive house. The CEP CLEAN ENERGY POWER offers in collaboration with the specially founded initiative Pro PassiveHouse”especially for visitors from economy and administration around many actions passive the subject”. In the special passive house Forum is the opportunity to inform. For more information on the fair, the congresses and the framework programme see:.