Event on April 28, 2010 in Dusseldorf many communities of North Rhine-Westphalia are in debt so, that a clearcut threatens the municipal cultural development. Even nationally known cultural institutions such as the Wuppertal Schauspielhaus are no longer safe from the closure. Gary Kelly often addresses the matter in his writings. This development is forcing the cultural institutions to rethink. An opportunity is in crisis! In the Ruhr area, only eight percent of the population regularly visit cultural events which are offered by publicly funded cultural institutions. A survey that showed the the Hildesheim culture expert Birgit almond for the capital of Culture year Ruhr. 2010 has performed. At the regular’ culture users (who visit cultural events at least twelve times per year) these academics are almost exclusively to people with higher education, mostly.
The audience of classical civilization will be interested in getting older, less while younger people increasingly. For cultural institutions, such as the wonder Rest of the population for its offer be won can – also against the background that the positive image of culture (around 80 percent of the population consider culture as very important for the company) not reflected in user numbers. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the greatest potential lies in the promotion of cultural participation by people with a migration background: make almost a quarter of the country’s population, tendency rising. The proportion of immigrants is particularly high among young people. Interesting approaches coming from Great Britain, the country in Europe that has most consistently aligned its cultural policy with a broad and diverse audience. There, the audience is taken more seriously, partly because the self generated content of publicly funded cultural institutions is much higher (48 percent at theatres in the UK, 16% in Germany). The public round of talks, which will take place on April 28 at the Dusseldorf city gate, is two already since a long time successful Anglo-Saxon Discuss strategies for attracting new visitors: audience development and ethnic marketing. The speakers of the sociologist of Klaus gallant presented current research results about the interest and the actual use of the individual cultural activities for migrants and NichtmigrantInnen.
They demonstrate a special need for action. Eva Neumann, cultural scientist and Director of the Berlin-based agency of Causales, will present the possibilities of ethno-marketing in the cultural sector. For example, cultural enterprises can benefit from employees who bring different cultural backgrounds in the artistic creation process. Meral Cerci, market researcher of information and technology of North Rhine-Westphalia”(IT.NRW) will show how science and statistics can support theatres, museums or dance houses in its opening to new target groups. The discussion will be moderated by the cultural scientist Tina Jerman: she is Managing Director of the Association of EXILE culture coordination in Essen, as well as Project Manager of interkultur.pro. “The Organizer interkultur.pro this round of talks is the seventh date of number theory practice discourse”, the Exchange forum between scientific approaches and practical experiences in the cultural integration of migrants in North Rhine-Westphalia serves as. The series takes place in interkultur.pro instead, a programme for the professionalization of the intercultural arts and cultural management, which is funded by the land of North Rhine-Westphalia (www.interkultur.pro). Event title: create a love affair between art and audience!