The SEAT Altea has happened through an update of the outer design in which they are included: a new frontal bumper and a new grid, new rear-view mirrors, a new and also wider back lens in the back part, new tail navigation lights, optional frontal lights bixenon, an attractive new door for the maletero and new alloy rims. On the inside, the SEAT Altea continues having the greatest cabin of their class. Everything added, is like a fresh air whiff. When you are parking, you have a distance control of parking (PDC) that emits an acoustic signal when you alongside approach too much cochede. Also, accounts with navigation by satellite For your inner comfort, the SEAT Altea brings of series climatic in the finished Reference and air-conditioner bizone of series in the finished Style, which as much the conductor as the copilot can enjoy the perfect temperature for each.
It enjoys the good life. The credentials of take hold in the highway of the SEAT Altea, turns that it into the best one of their class, must to a back axis partly multiarm and to the program of electronic stability (ESP). In other words: if a wheel begins to skid, the ESP of the SEAT Altea acts in compensation and it avoids, something that improvement of significant way takes hold when you are in highway. The result is a greater stability, security, agility and comfort. It advanced with those curves! There thanks to the system of adaptable illumination (AFS), the frontal lights bixenon of the SEAT Altea follow the tumbling of the steering wheel, projecting their light you need where it. The anti-fog lights with function cornering have a similar purpose; when receiving the activation signal, the anti-fog light illuminates the turn side and this, just as the system of diurnal light (DRL), also it causes that you are more visible for the conductors who come front.