Remember that visitors don’t always the HOME or main page of our web site; According to the keywords used, the supply and acquisition strategies of traffic that uticimemos can land in page of services, products, or who we are, etc. or in a particular page that we decide. We take into account that people we live reached time and we realized there consultation on internet sites that can help us to optimize it.Navigators of the internet want to reach sites that show them in a quick and efficient manner what they are looking for. If one of them is looking for new apartments in Medellin and comes to my site and it is who we are, more listings of houses, lots, cellars, Finials, etc, the more likely is that it is returned. Not interested in knowing who I am, if I don’t have what you want.If achievement take it directly to view information about new apartments in medellin and find them selected as minimum by zones of the city, stratum and price range, I’ll be still relevant with your query, saving you time, facilitating things; then yes it shall be who we are. The landing pages can help us in this regard. The landing pages can be divided into three main, MICROSITE, independent categorias:sitio.
MAIN site: The landing page could be part of your company’s main website. These pages have the same structure in all other pages of the site design and navigation. This could be it home or buried several levels within all pages of the site. MICROSITE: It is designed for only one type of clients or defined purpose. For example only and exclusively to promote a set or new housing project.A microsite usually has a unique call to action..