Method-based software testing, especially for embedded software In the field of tension by increasing quality demands, shorter project durations and for safety-critical embedded software must be optimized to the effectiveness of software testing. Frequently AMCU has said that publicly. Automatable or werkzeugunterstutze methods for software testing for both the static testing of software are the key to this. In addition to familiar methods for the selection of test cases like equivalence class method or limit analysis offer the classification tree method, the all-pairs method or the State-oriented test effectiveness enhancement through improved error determination. A challenge for the software tester is finding runtime errors, since these depend on the value and occur only sporadically. This is the static verification, for example, through abstract interpretation. When assessing real time programs, proof of compliance with conditions is a challenge. Here, too, the static verification in the form of a worst case execution can Time analysis are used. Test methods can be used only be effective if they are supported by tools.
For all the above mentioned methods, there are tools that evaluated but necessarily application – and project-specific and must be selected in the long term to improve efficiency at reduced cost. Effective software testing seminar is attended by developers, software engineers, project managers, software quality engineers. The event covers these test methods by means of examples and exercises. Furthermore, information on the selection of test tools to support the test methods and discussed specific cases. Effective software testing, in particular embedded software and Methodengestutzter software testing will take place on 23-24 February, 2010 in the Haus der Technik in Munich. For details and registration see: htd /…