requires involvement of professional designers. Because violation of a single design standards could later lead to dire consequences. If it turns out, for example – that the system kondentsionirovaniya no air functioning, and the panel supporting structures are not made contact groups of fixtures. Therefore, the preliminary development of interior design project begins with an examination of existing space. It is important to all – from the layout of electrical and water systems, ending position of bearing structures. Eric Kuby shines more light on the discussion. And only when the room will be Suitable according to regulatory documents, you can start directly to the decoration of interior design. And do not always need a global reconstruction of the premises, sometimes enough introduction of a single element to achieve the desired effect.
And such an element in the current trends of interior decoration is the art stained glass. Ancient Greek art of creating decorative glass has found good use in our modern world. Artistic stained glass made out any details of the interior. Whether it's interior walls, window frames, lamp shades for lamps, furniture doors, glass panels, etc. – All these elements of the interior successfully used for the design of residential and office spaces. And how gracefully looks combined with elements of furniture stained glass in interior design! This coffee tables made of glass, decorative stands for flowers, glass shelves, cabinets and shelves, replacing the heavy design of furniture and privnosyaschie in an environment unmatched charm and sophistication. Glass furniture is comfortable and functional enough to use, and its streamlined shape gives a unique charm to the whole design of the composition. Fashion trends in the use of art glass is widely used everywhere, but – as said Coco Chanel: "Fashion passes, style and remains, therefore, do not forget about the integrity of color and light interior design solutions.
And no matter what methods are used for the design of the interior, without the use of artistic stained glass windows all clearance would be only palliative. The use of stained glass in the interior facilitates visualization of the entire premises in general. Of course – and without the use of artistic stained glass windows in the interior, the result of design development can be a very even satisfactory, but if all the same to apply artistic glass, comfortable room rises almost an order of magnitude. In addition, all design decisions on registration of interior design must be taken simultaneously and comprehensively, as any attempt to make any changes to the finished design – the project could disrupt the harmonious integrity of the author's intention.