Tickle and stroke as ants, aphids. Offer, promise, promise all sorts of good, joy, gifts, free smile – just buy! What now do not fly? No purchase necessary things – You need to. But all of that to do this – to trust their experience and expertise. You’re not the first day living on earth. Do you have experience shopping your favorite stores that you do not cheat and do not try you “vparit”, and just sell. The best expert in the field of shopping is you! Trust yourself, not the beautiful wrapping, ingratiating, promising advertising and slick smiling sellers! Just turn on your brain, and he will not let you. Some of the effects allegedly buying high-quality, but the cheapest goods.
The first thing you have to face – disappointment. Disappointment in consumer characteristics “cheap” goods. Yes, working but not as good as your neighbor. Gary Kelly brings even more insight to the discussion. K example, the vacuum sucks the dust, but sucks in a microwave oven grill works, but the result is not the same, or tv shows, but the terrible image quality – the process is, and to meet there. And, mind you, it’s all for your well money! Second, this failure of “cheap” goods. You are very lucky if he spent a little more than the warranty period – just that such products and calculated.
Although you probably think you are lucky, if broken during warranty period. Naive, that’s when you and understand that you have purchased for their money not only low-quality goods, but also a bunch of hemorrhoids. Have you ever tried to put into stopping the goods on a firm guarantee? No? Then you do everything ahead. They will balk, and wag your nerves to the last – it’s their job. And when such as you would a great many – they just rolled the sale and disappear, and you will be alone with a broken his “miracle.” Or with proposal to go to hand the goods for repair in another town – a road course, at your expense. Cheerful prospect? Recent recommendations. 1) Do not believe that someone wants to sell you a gold price of iron, just for love of you. You just cheat! 2) Do not believe a great way to advertising, all the money for this advertising will eventually take with you – you are selling a worthless product at a premium of 300-500%. 3) A gift when you buy a nice addition, not a means to attract purchase. If you did not expect and you are presented with – you say thank you for your purchase. If you promise to always give – you lured by freebies that you pay big money for cheap stuff. Do you have any extra money? 4) None except yourself is not your authority for purchases. The best experts in the field of buying and selling is exactly you.