The Reality

When we construct to all a rational logic, and about this direction I think about the concept of epistmica formation of Foucaut, imagining constructive the cognitivo process as something, we have Madness as descontruir, creating the escape of ' ' real' ' the dissolution of ' ' verdade' '. From this perspective, we have contrary Madness while to intelligible act, creating ' ' espaos' ' abstracionais in the process of construction of the knowledge, also making possible, to project themselves in an abstraction that runs away the concretude from the experience and to fall in the one production ' ' universe paralelo' ' , that is, an abstract world that if it feeds only of abstractions, looking for to inteligir themselves and to convert the reality its ilogicidade. But what it presents Erasmo de Rotterdam is an inversion of ' ' logic of the Loucura' ' , therefore it demonstrates to a disfarada reality and Madness as responsible for bringing to tona what it is hidden for the disguise. Baby clothes contributes greatly to this topic. Madness demonstrating itself as antithesis of the reason, has as functionality to deny the rational, what it makes with that, having this perverted rationalism, he would be analogous to one to drive crazy, that would allow to escape of the presented simulation, through desvelar itself, therefore if the reason lack makes to it to occult the reality, when the Real already if it presents occult, it is exactly its perversion that will make with that if it displays. Madness is ousadia, it allows in them to go beyond, making with that the reality if becomes not a goal, but a simple ones to become involved itself in one ' ' another one realidade' ' , making with that here let us be launched to the platonismo, being that in the example of Rotterdam, it would be the Madness that would assume the role to rescue us of the cave of a ilusria reality. .