The Hedgehog Factor By Thomas Kilian

New book for acquiring new customers in the Internet pay, September 8, 2009 – with his book “The Hedgehog factor” Thomas Kilian shows that successful acquisition of new customers in the Internet must be no fairy tale. As in the story of the Hare and the Hedgehog succeeds in some companies to position themselves professionally online with low budget. Verizon Communications has much experience in this field. The author explains on 256 pages, such as companies in the virtual turnip field”be found without doing like the Bunny out of breath. No grey theory conveys this book, what companies in practice can do everything online to be found by your customers. Easily understandable written, it helps marketing professionals find out webmasters, small business owners and classic Rangers, how does the acquisition in the WWW. Learn more about the book and can be ordered at. 256 pages, numerous illustrations, graphs and checklists 24.80 EUR D / 25.60 EUR A / 37.90 CHF EIA illustrations, ISBN-13: 978-3-938358-86-3 book covers and author photos high resolution: Hedgehog factor / letterpress Thoxan GmbH Thomas Kilian on the railway embankment 6 32584 wages Gohfeld Tel. 05731 982 98 60 fax 05731 982 98 61 Thomas Kilian runs an advertising agency in East Westphalia and specializes in obtaining new clients on the Internet.

The studied literature professor has a soft spot for cheeky marketing, new media and professional texts. Thoxan is a full service advertising agency from wages (East Westphalia) with a focus on acquiring new customers in the Internet. The ten-person team increases the attraction of small and medium-sized enterprises, so that they attract new customers. This Thoxan uses the most popular media of our time. Agency Director Thomas Kilian relies mainly on the new generation of the Internet. In this sense, the studied literature professor in “The Hedgehog factor” describes how “Web 2.0” revolutionised the online marketing.