Feng Shui

Earth> FIRE> Trees> Water> Metal Element Earth – our material world, drains the element of fire – the world of the higher realms. The authors of many books on personal development urge people (land) seek to promote, God (fire), to the highest, that is to stop draining the upper world (fire), cease to be mundane,…

Zodiac Signs

Changing the bodies of animals that are born and die, having lived his life, the soul is finally embodied in the human body. Born people. In the human body to soul, changing born and die a physical body, to pass a series of lessons. The main lessons of karmic problems (ideas) – twelve. This idea…

The Opportunity

‘But it means that women too have a special need that men have to respect! ” – You will say. Yes, you’re right, it also is related to differences in needs, but it’s not for women, that satisfy the need for speaking it can only communicating with her man. Baby clothes wanted to know more….

Industrial Revolution

Of talforma that it is impossible to work to want itself to respect all the instructions. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Eric Kuby. Assuming to organize the work, the lapsings of the organization trabalhoconduzem of it to the times to disorganize it (DEJOURS, 1992, P. 07). From it speaks of…


Oh! Not; I am to say that who is my angel doctor me the said one. In accordance with Jacob Melo, as for the sonambulismo, exists 3 categories to be considered: 1a. The Natural Sonmbulo Age under the simple inspiration that of it emanates. While they act, the physical being sleeps, only rests therefore the…


Some authors guide in them in the form to proceed the interventions to search solution for some cases. Our comprometimento, our professionalism, our citizenship and ethics, is factors that can influence of positive form to be able to intervine and to help in the transference to know for the pupils who more need our interventions….


To follow the main ambient, agent risks causadoresde damages and its effect for the health of the worker classified porPONZENTTO, (2002): Biological risks are considered the bacteria, fungos, bacilli, peonhentos, entreoutros parasites, protozorios, viruses, sweat, animals. The physical risks are those generated by machines characteristic physical econdies of the workstation, the exposition if datravs of…

Masculine Error One

Let us be objective, is simple, the young woman of a brothel charges for the work, the woman certinha, not. In the reality one will be to think on this point of view of brothel or zone is earning on of certinhas, asks for pra vocs that if the others consider certain not to charge…


Development of the Intelligence of the Adolescent Theory of Jean Piaget The present study it has for objective to explicitar the work of Jean Piaget in what it refers to the research developed for the author and to the characteristics of its theory. Piaget early had a vast experience in the area of the psychoanalysis…


Due to scarce literature, the present study it had porobjetivo to carry through a referring bibliographical revision to the Jealousy, especificamenteo Pathological Jealousy, and its relation with Transtorno Obsessivo Compulsivo (TOC). Aiming at this objective, doTranstorno was made a decomposition of the Compulsory sintomatologia Obsessive and of the Pathological Jealousy in order to verify seseus…