Panificadora Venice

Municipal Politics of the Environment ‘ ‘ the repairing of the ambient damage for promoted who it or contributed for its promotion, volunteer or, involuntarily independent of other civil sanctions or penais’ ‘ (EXECUTIVE, 2008). 2 JUSTIFICATION the used oil in frituras in the Panificadora Venice is being applied in the soap production as a…

Ambient Preservation

All we ignore some thing. Therefore we learn sempre’ ‘. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with baby clothes. Thus being, this project considers the information as practical educational that not only comes to acquire knowledge, but also to generate production of profits to the community in what it says respect to…

The International Day

Japan: two months after the disaster. Noxious weed cow parsnip is spreading rapidly in Russia. Pollution, emissions, waste in Naples again buried in the debris. Climate news: climate change leads to an increase in fires, and urbanization of cities – an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. News ‘green’ technology, ‘the solar’ plane made its first…

ABCD Streets

We would need three or four times more lines of what we have today. The magnifying of limits of the city of So Paulo, that if it connected to the neighboring cities, became simply imperceptible the geographic limits between the cities. Workers of the ABCD if dislocate daily in direction to the capital and vice…


The comparison If to compare the registered original PRAD under the responsibility technique of the authors with the PRAD modified for the CVRD, that subsidized the release of the License of Installation for cultivates and improvement, is easy to conclude that, in this last one, the methodology proposal – and that, curiously, it was approved…

Global Environmental Changes

The Amazon region possesss about 5 million km, immense area of forest, according to studies the exuberant vegetation it is recent dating of the end of the period the Pleistocene to the beginning of the holoceno. The holoceno was initiated about 12 a thousand years period of finishes glaciation (the temperature of the planet diminished…


Land! Entire nights apelos desert streets and measures. Of what valley air, of what of what valley the sea, if of my face what drains is black tears, oil. Brad Garlinghouse insists that this is the case. The ones that amanhecem know that they are livings creature and they prefer to sleep of day not…

East Optics

The management of the project was worked on this optics. The environment is not only the nature, is the relation between beings livings creature, where the human being is part of it, which must preserve it, and, any attitude in favor of this fight is coming well, is validates, is vital. In this direction horta…

Sanitation Energy

Everything this comes to strengthen the quarrel that must be made on the ambient question in maritime waters, where already can notice a great advance of 10 years pra here, however, with the exploration of the layer daily pay-salt, the ambient question has that to be treated with priority, therefore, as cited in this article,…