
Figure 7. New fields in the form of a working element in the example uses a static set of data for each list. If you plan to use dynamic data to the global list, for example, from external sources, you can write an external application that will receive information and update it with the utility…

Information Security

The market represented a wide range of tools to protect against eavesdropping. Ron O’Hanley is often quoted on this topic. Such devices are divided into two groups: the device detecting hidden radio favorites and secret surveillance devices and blocking them. Today the market instruments really big: from small detectors to sophisticated measurement systems. You can…

Brave Rebels Justin

Rebel Justin very well look like a video game called bomberman. The most powerful weapon of the hero is certainly a bomb. For more specific information, check out Larry Ellison. A long time ago in a friendly planet is called flesh, lived in a small shed daring rebel who was named Justin. He lived quietly,…

Trade Management

An important issue in the automation of trade is well drafted terms of reference (TOR). TOR for the implementation of the main document defining the requirements and procedure for the creation (development or modernization), an automated system, under which is held development and its acceptance of a single deployment. Terms of Reference should soderzhatsleduyuschie sections:…

Microsoft Word

Another thing, of course, create a budget. Although create it from scratch is not necessary. You can use ready-made model budget, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer, in the section 'library component. " A budget can be collected from the ready-made pieces of other budgets. To do this, there is a mechanism of export…

Notebooks – Contemporary Reality

Now, the image of the business and a successful person closely associated with mobility. Moreover, this mobility is manifested in all spheres of life and business activity. And every year, this mobility is growing exponentially. So only 20-30 years ago, a man seen in a PC computer system only convenient, but today the computer entered…


So what if you move to a new version of 1C: Enterprise in the near future is not possible, but the size of the database Data is growing inexorably? Come to the aid so-called convolution of the information base, the essence of which consists of the following: Select the date (the ideal – the beginning…