Spiritual Chakra

Spiritual chakra – belly dance in Berlin with oriented Dr. Keith Oringer can provide more clarity in the matter. rer. pol. Safi Haajboy (chakra-wellness, Chakra dance, Chakra intensive and without hypnosis) chakra dance is based mostly on Kundalini Yoga and belly dance is regularly in Berlin as teaches choreography. Who wants to learn not just predefined motion sequences, belly dancing but emotionally learn belly dancing and its interior would like to express, which has found it difficult to find a belly dance course in Berlin. And also the range of chakra dance on the basis of Kundalini Yoga is amazingly low in Berlin. That’s why spiritual counsellor and healer for psychotherapy Dr. has rer.

pol. Safi Haajboy expanded chakra dance their Chakrenreinigung intensive courses (www.heilpraktiker-psychotherapie-und-spirituelle-beratung.de/ chakra reinigung.html) and chakra Spa (sites.google.com/site/chakrenharmonie). From September 2011 offers Dr. rer. pol. Safi Haajboy new chakra dance with belly dance improvisation in Berlin in Pankow () spiritual tanz.html). Free belly dance with spiritual Chakrenmeditation you may find in a nice group to itself. The course is structured so that focus on the individual chakras are danced through by the root chakra to the crown chakra and you learn its belly dance techniques to the chakras.

By these unusual belly dance movements, mental encrustations are removed and cleaned chakra embedding from the inside out so that you may be quite yourself. In a relaxed atmosphere with fun and joy of belly dance move what moves you inside and by the gentle Chakrenreinigung of your chakras are harmonisation in your everyday life. In this respect, Chakra dance is a very beautiful hobby, where you can learn belly dancing and win more quality of life by Chakrenreinigung up in your everyday life. Dr. rer. pol. Safi Haajboy want to attract spiritually interested women with chakra dance and belly dance improvisation, have the joy of dancing together in Nice group want to make new experiences. Spiritually interested men are at the other chakra offered by Dr. rer. pol. Safi Haajboy would like to seen. Enough demand is Dr. rer. pol. Safi Haajboy offer also chakra dance for men or mixed groups. To contact please with Dr. rer. pol. Safi Haajboy in combination. The Chakra dance takes place by way of derogation from the other chakra offers in the neighbourhood Centre Amtshaus Buchholz. Further information is available on the website. RER takes Dr. registrations for chakra dance with belly dance improvisation.