Cologne, 31.03.2011: Facebook, Twitter & co. are on everyone’s lips. Companies try to take advantage the new possibilities on the Internet. Social media platforms benefit especially, that communication is a social process and the basic needs of each individual is the interaction with other people. To communicate the possibilities in the social Web are virtually limitless. But how do companies to move with a small budget, users and visitors to join in? How can user we encourage to share the message of the company with other users and thus to act as multipliers? About Felix Beilharz on the Cologne marketing day lectures.
He provides real-world examples that immediately allow visitors, target customers and website visitors about Web 2.0 elements. Felix Beilharz Project Manager online marketing at the German Institute for marketing sums up the essence of his lecture: social media marketing is not only suitable for large corporations, but also, and especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. Potential customers can with clever ideas and some creativity in the social networks with little budget reach”. Not only the content of a campaign decides for their success. The legal framework of a campaign takes an important role in times of increasing privacy debates.
Companies must be strengthened on issues such as copyright and personality rights, privacy or harassment through unwanted advertising. The media specialist RA Dr. Markus Robak brings in his speech light in the legal grey areas.”social media such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have established themselves for companies and agencies as serious advertising channels.” The expert further: The legal implications of social media marketing are often underestimated. The bandwidth of the relevant areas of the law extends far beyond advertising law in the traditional sense.” With the Cologne Carnival Museum ( has after the German Institute of marketing Cologne Zoo and RheinEnergieStadion elected in the last two years back an exceptional location. Of course offers the possibility to the free visit to the Museum with professional contacts. For more information about the event and to book the site offers or the events page on XING DIM: The German Institute of marketing is a specialized marketing consulting and Research Institute. It offers its customers professional competence in the areas of business training, market research and marketing consulting. Process-oriented solutions in the marketing environment of our customers are at the heart of his work. While the Institute linked to in-depth research with innovative business practice.