Project Sound

In other terms, this concept has as objective the distribution and the popularizao of the art, the scientific knowledge and the forms of ' ' high cultura' '. In the current days, this democratization is deficit, therefore the cultural industry tends to face the culture and the people as distinct and moved away polar regions. In this manner, it is not admitted to think that the individual also is reproductive of the culture. In accordance with the previous manager of the Sound of Mata, in dialogue with the researchers, the Idema opens licitations for institutions and staff of the area, promoting and supplying mount of money to the accomplishment of the event. The hard licitation one determined time, described in the proclamation that is disponibilizado periodically by the institute. For effect of analysis of the carried through research, the Sound of Mata that occurred in day 06 of June of 2010 finishes was it of the licitation of finishes management.

In day 09 of June it left another licitation that chose a new management for the project, that will be able to move of name. According to old manager, who will make a partnership with the current management, the project will receive new options beyond music, as theater dances and. With regard to the knowledge of the event, one established some questions referring to this as, for example: With that frequency you participate of the program? In its conception, you it considers the moments lived in the Project Sound of Mata how a leisure option? How you took knowledge of the Project Sound of Mata? Of the gotten results, one concludes that the majority of the searched ones costumam to go alternatingly to the sound of the bush, and that they take knowledge of the accomplishment of the same through friends, televising media and Internet. However, all the interviewed ones believe that the Project Sound of Mata is considered a leisure option.