Present Environment

The death of every man diminishes me, that I am part of mankind, don’t ever ask by whom bell tolls: tolls for you John Donne Venezuelan companies, especially their SMEs, they present during the current scenario Venezuela projected to the world a very questionable reality, given his non-productivity, efficiency, slow the big challenges, certainly caused by uncertainty impact generated by the efforts of the current Government Pro instill so-called socialism of the twenty-first century. There are many companies that have stopped producing, closed and those who remain fear their future, their future with uncertainty, the risks that such a change is causing, in a country that never envisioned the possibility of these transformations. The truth, to face this reality, increasingly more uncertain, although the Government proclaims, it stimulated the changes that will favor him, especially on the participation of new markets with strategies, plans which has initiated with its new foreign trade policy, not denying according to our perception, not only as a teacher of graduate, but as consultant-Advisor with regard to marketing, that there is much uncertainty, many concerns, they invite you to evaluate, analyse seriously, toward where goes the marketing management in enterprises that remain. Read more here: cloud computing. Hence, the importance of delving into his analysis, in addition to great changes, transformations, opportunities, challenges that globalization fosters in the present, where commercial activities are very pro-active and where only companies that have been prepared for this purpose and who know how to interpret those demands, satisfy the needs of consumers, as well as having good technology, productivity, quality of products, survive successfully. Venezuelan companies must identify more with the characteristics of the current scenarios, especially the national, rather than given to the neglect of the Government encourage the development of existing SMEs, leading as we have pointed out, to the closure of many. Should its management redefine What should be the functions that must be the Department of markets that will ensure a competitive participation favorable to the company.