Preliminary Program Consumer

The notion of consumer’s fundamental right of association is, in essence, the possibility that a group of people organize themselves voluntarily to achieve a goal of general interest and non-profit. Thus, consumers’ associations, such as associative specificity also explained that its purpose is, as we shall see later, assigned to it by law, in particular the representation of consumers and enable the exercise of rights audience participation and respect of those matters that may affect them, require people to integrate them with the status of consumers. It is, therefore, doubt of the importance acquired by the definition of the concept of the consumer for that purpose. Generally, there are two distinct notions of consumer. So, strictly speaking, we could consider that consumers and users are those people who buy goods or services provided to them for their private use.While in a larger sense, might be understood by consumers to all citizens, as individuals, aspire to have a high quality of life. An example of this broad notion is found in the Resolution of the Council of the EEC, of 14 April 1975 approving the Preliminary Program of the European Economic Community for a policy of protecting and informing consumers, the set. In particular, the number 3, it reads: In the future the consumer is no longer considered simply as a buyer or user of goods or services for personal, family or group, but as a person concerning the different aspects of social life that may affect directly or indirectly as a consumer. Although our Constitution does not provide a definition of consumer, if it sees a range of consumer rights that governments must guarantee, set them up as system limits free market economy.It is therefore in this area, as the subject of legal relationships with suppliers of goods or service providers, where we have to ground the consumer and user, understand some weak and deserving of such a relationship as a result of the social state of law constitutionally configured, a special supervision by public authorities. In this vein, the various legal texts that develop the constitutional mandate to protect consumers and users perform the same protection, as part of a legal relationship within the market economy system. While both the autonomous communities with competence in this area as the state, have different profiles set the figure of the consumer. Moreover, even in state law the concept of consumer varies depending on the specific area that is regulated by each standard.Because of its importance and significance, we must analyze the LGDCU, which in its Article 1.2 and the effects of this rule, consumers or users defined as “the natural or legal persons who acquire, use or benefit as recipients end, movable or immovable , products, services, activities or functions whatever the legal nature of public or private, individual or collective who produce, facilitate, provide or issue. Although, in Article 1.3, is excluded from the consumer or user status to “those without becoming final target, acquire, store, use or consumption of goods or services in order to integrate them into processes of production, processing, marketing or provide to others “. Thus, the strict LGDCU incorporates the notion of consumer, demanding that the case of end-users of goods and services.However, we must recognize that he does at great length, in the sense that, unlike the provisions in the various EU directives on consumption, the notion of consumer that gives this rule, it supports both natural persons and to legal persons. The point is, therefore, that the good or service leaves the market for a private purpose. While conceding that in our system there is no single concept of consumer in relation to the subjective realm of consumer associations, we understand that the notion of consumers and users to be considered is that defined in the LGDCU, restricted, therefore, persons, physical or legal, who buy goods or services for private use in the market, in the terms established by the Charter of of Europe, which inspired the article 51 of the EC.Another issue to consider would be different if the condition could exclude consumer or user of legal persons for profit, in response, firstly, the very concept of consumer and, secondly, the fact that only consumers Unlike entrepreneurs, lack of an organization that allows them to protect themselves. The LGDCU, Article 21.2, paragraph a), prohibits consumer associations at State level as our partners include legal persons for profit.
