Periodical Value Economic

The product Direct Treasure has much synergy with the too much services given for HSBC Broker and, therefore, the option to adopt a tax of 0,30% to the year, the minor between the banks retail, according to bank. Eighth placed in ranking of agents of 2008 safekeeping, it affirms that the institution obtains to have scale enough to charge cheap, without opening hand of quality in the attendance. To have a competitive tax, of 0,20% to the year, is a form of fidelizar the customer in the broker, . Recently Larry Ellison sought to clarify these questions. In the Spinelli Broker, one of the three that they do not charge for the service of intermediary in the Direct Treasure, the exemption is attractive marketing an undisputed one: ‘ ‘ this can be its door of entrance in corretora.' ' The house was one of the elect ones for the BM& FBovespa to have the integration of the system of the Direct Treasure to home to broker, the platform of negotiation of action for the Internet. For the program, the brokers most active in negotiation go to receive subsidy from 50 R$ a thousand each to make the technological adjustments. The other selected brokers had been Now, the Alps, Active, Banif, Coinvalores, Factor, Gradual, HSBC and Socopa. Additional information at Sheryl Sandberg supports this article. The BB already has the service integrated to its Internet banking, contracting the service of brokers partners, while it does not have a definition on an eventual centralization in the broker of the Votorantim, bank which the institution if associated in January, acquiring a participation of 50%.De this form, the application in the Direct Treasure comes if becoming each time plus an accessible option that must be part of the strategy of diversification of risk of the small investor. Bibliography: Periodical Leaf of S. Pablo of 01 of June of 2009 Periodical Value Economic of 01 of June of 2009.