Our North

We do not deal with millions of spam lists. You probably often came a letter in the mailbox with the suggestion of a mass mailing of letters, and among the services theirs is the guarantee that they bypass spam filters, and the letter itself has come to you just to spam, so what kind of warranty? Of 5 per cent of letters surviving recipients interested in your offer gets 90% of SPAM, which many business people do not read, and if they read fluently, then vryat if taken seriously this information. Millionth the number of letters with the same text will not miss more than one filter, and finally gets the bulk of spam. Our North allows you to make high-quality mailing to 50,000 addresses, without falling into the spam. You can not buy a base address simply order it to your mailing list proposal. On the site are uploaded every day new data on firms, so if our database has no data that you are interested, please contact us and we are putting on a priority site for you to create a base for interesting direction of business in Ukraine. Remember – on how to get your offer potential customers or interested individuals, depending whether they will cooperate with you or not. We are confident that the letter released to the spam to the same sloppy writing does not look serious and convincing, not to mention the fact that it comes to man is not interested in your offer. Also on our site – content writing, hand- ads on bulletin boards, forums, article directories, check directories in the best websites, writing blogs, websites, promotion and ongoing support of web resources, and much more can be found in sections of our site.