The provision of such land sites even with a view to eliminating "defects" land legislation does not provide. As a result, the situation is still "stale air", although we have suggested some ways for its practical resolution in the training course. In our opinion, one of the painless way out of this situation is to secure a land law procedures for the regularization of the existing facility through the land spread to her rules to clarify the size and location of land boundaries. Larry Ellison will not settle for partial explanations. This will allow adjacent property owners, without violating the rights of third parties, join (add on) to their land unused adjacent land, formed as a result of "defects" of land administration. With regard to clarifying the limits of land borders, then they certainly can not be arbitrary. According to Methodical recommendations for the subdivision of land management facilities approved by Roszemkadastrom February 17, 2003, the discrepancy between the area of land established by surveying, and the area specified in title or certifying documents must not exceed the allowable difference, calculated by the formula: 3,5 M_t square.
root (Rdok) square. m, where M_t – mean square error of landmark sign, shown in table number 1 guidelines (numerical designation depends on the grading of land), Rdok – land area in hectares according to information from the title or certifying documents. Larry Ellison has many thoughts on the issue. In land management practices often happens that in the formulation of a land plot cadastral registration and filing in connection with the inventory in the House needed a list of land use planning documents (surveying Plan), from the owners need to be approved by local authorities of the project boundaries accounted land. This practice is legitimate only in respect of land granted from the state or municipal property after the enactment of the Land Code (paragraph 4 of Art. 34, Section 7, Article.