Leonel Pear Leonel

Historians exist whom they affirm: ' '? first, Leonel establishes the Farm Great Fertile valley, and that later, for occasion of the marriage of its son, it establishes the Caiara Farm. They lived of the agricultural industry and the cattle one of Vacum&#039 Cattle; '. These lands would be leasehold of ' ' House of the Torre' ' where the proper Leonel Pear tree Alencar paid for this lease, as still today existing documents: ' ' I received from Lieutenant-colonel Leonel de Alencar I water eleven a thousand and two hundred eighty kings the account of lease of the Caysara small farm for order that I presented it of Mr. Coronel Francisco Days D? Avila, and to its clarity I passed it this for done and signed me. Ass. Sundays Pear tree Da Silva ' ' * ' ' In twenty and six of July of a thousand seven hundred and forty and two, I received from Lieutenant-colonel Leonel de Alencar I water, a horse and fifteen a thousand kings, the account of the income of the House of the Colonel Francisco Days D? Avila, for order who I have of said Mr. Coronel and thus two a thousand and two hundred and forty kings of comestivo and for having received I passed it this for done and signed me. Ass.

Sundays Pear tree Da Silva. ' ' (Notary’s office of the Notary Jose Sinh de Oliveira, in Bodoc, Pernambuco, In: Saucers). With Leonel de Alencar I water, the Portuguese, marks the studied familiar trunk more, in the perspective to understand the discord enters the descendants of Fancisco D? vila and of Leonel the Alencar, this around 1780, considering the presence in this family of an adoptive son, perhaps granddaughter of the Leonel, the Brgida caboclo of the Virgins of Alencar, who if married a Portuguese, Jose Martiniano Pear tree, which leased lands of the House of the Tower and that, later had been bought by it, becoming rich farmer in the region of Cabrob.